A workshop on Mainstreaming Biodiversity into Private Sector was held at Ministry of Environment and Energy



In accordance with Aichi Biodiversity Targets 2011 – 2020 of the Convention on Biological Diversity, National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan of the Maldives was recently revised. To implement this a workshop on mainstreaming biodiversity into private sector of the Maldives was held at “Kuredhi Maalam” of Ministry of Environment and Energy.

Many stakeholders from private sector and government agencies participated in this workshop. The main aim of this workshop was to share the findings of the consultant, Mr. Mohamed Shumais regarding the incorporation of biodiversity into private sector polies, plans, and strategies and to create awareness on the importance of biodiversity incorporation in their company policies.

In the opening ceremony, welcoming remarks was given by Deputy Minister of Environment and Energy Mr. Abdulla Mohamed Didi. He highlighted the importance of private sector involvement in the conservation of biological diversity and the protection of the environment. During the workshop, Director General of Ministry of Environment and Energy, participated in the discussions and provided valuable inputs. Highlights of the workshop also includes presentation of draft report on mainstreaming biodiversity into corporate sector by Mr. Mohamed Shumais followed by group discussions and presentations. This productive workshop was concluded by underlining the main outcomes of the workshop.

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