Strengthening Low Carbon Energy Island Strategies (LCEI) project conducted Energy Efficiency Awareness Workshops in R. Dhuvaafaru on 29th and 30th April 2017. The Workshops were conducted for two batches of students from grade 8, 9 and 10 of Raa Atoll School, R. Dhuvaafaru. Total of 62 students participated in the workshops.
The workshops were inaugurated by Ms. Shahula Hussain Manik, Leading Teacher for grades 11&12 of Raa Atoll School.
Officials from LCEI Project Management Unit, Energy Department and Maldives Energy Authority facilitated the workshops.
In the workshop, information was given on climate change, energy efficiency, ways to be more energy efficient, how to conserve energy and importance of energy efficiency in building design to reduce GHG emissions. Exercises were conducted to provide knowledge on electrical Nameplate reading, Electrical Meter reading and Electric bill reading.
The project “Strengthening Low Carbon Energy Island Strategies” project is implemented by Ministry of Environment and Energy (MEE) assisted by United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and financed by Government of Maldives and Global Environment Facility (GEF). The project aims to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through energy efficiency in the building sector, increasing energy efficiency in the building sector by developing appropriate policies, guidelines and standards.
Awareness Workshops on Energy Efficiency conducted for Raa Atoll School