
Strengthening Low-Carbon Energy Island Strategies (LCEI)

01 Jan 2015

The Strengthening Low Carbon Energy Island Strategies (LCEI) project is funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and executed by the Ministry with implementation support from UN Environment.

Project Goals

  • Transformation of markets for energy efficient technologies in buildings and the built environment in the Maldives; and
  • Promotion of energy efficiency investments in buildings, particularly through private-public partnerships.

Project objective:

The overall objective of this project is to mainstream energy efficiency measures into policies, guidelines, standards and building practices in the Maldives and to achieve a substantial reduction of GHG emissions as a result of improved buildings and building management practices and to leverage substantial investment in activities leading to increased energy efficiency.


  • Component 1: Adoption of policy, institutional and legislative framework to lower energy use in the building sector
  • Component 2: Demonstration of innovative financing to lower energy use in the building sector
  • Component 3: Capacity enhancement to lower the energy use and GHG emissions in the building sector
  • Component 4: Monitoring and assessment system to measure effectiveness of the project interventions and to support replication

Main partners involved:

Ministry of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (MNPHI), Ministry of Finance (MoF), Ministry of Economic Development (MOED), Housing Development Cooperation (HDC), Maldives Islamic Bank (MIB), Maldives Metrological Service (MMS), Architects Association of the Maldives (AAM), Association of Civil Engineers (ACE), Maldives Customs Service (MCS), Maldives National University (MNU), Civil Service Training Institute (CSTI), Maldives Girl Guide Association (MGGA), Scout Association of Maldives (SAM), State Electric Company Limited (STELCO), Fenaka Corporation Limited (FENAKA), Malé Water and Sewerage Company (MWSC), Ministry of Education.

Outcome of the project

Outcome 1:

  • BuildingEnergy efficiency guidelines endorsed by the Government. The guideline has been developed with dedicated engagement from stakeholders. This ensures that the guideline is acceptable in the national context. This provides a good first step in creating standards for energy efficient buildings. Code compliance documents on Energy Efficiency (H1), Ventilation (G4), Artificial light (G8) and Natural light (G7) have been drafted and the process has been initiated to legally adopt the provisions of the guideline.
  • The labelling program for energy efficient appliances launched as voluntary program under the name “Hakathari”. At the end of the project, 6 models of air conditioners with rating of 4 and 5 stars was registered in the program.
  • Procurement policy board under the Ministry of Finance (MoF) has approved the Procurement policy to incorporate EE requirement in public procurement and the implementation will be initiated after cabinet approval once labelled appliances become widely available in the market.

Outcome 2:

  • An agreement was signed with Maldives Islamic Bank (MIB) to implement a financing program that would compensate the incremental cost of labelled appliances for the purchaser, by using funds provided by the MECCT under the LCEI project in a guarantee mechanism, to reduce risk of non-payment to MIB in providing financing at a lower cost than its commercial financing. The financing program shall cover appliances affixed with the label rating of 3, 4 and 5 stars. The LCEI project provided MVR 12,288,000 for the implementation of the financing scheme.
  • Funds have been made available via MIB so building owners will be able to use the funds to purchase energy efficiency equipment for the buildings.
  • BREEAM Very Good rating interim certification was achieved for the proposed HDC Green building to be constructed in Hulhumale’, Republic of Maldives.
  • Maldives Meteorological Services building in Addu City was designed as a demonstration building with visitor’s centre to disseminate information on energy efficient building. The building was designed based on the provisions of the energy efficiency guideline.

Outcome 3:

  • The Maldives National University’s Bachelor of Architecture program was revised with energy efficiency, sustainable building design with an optional module of energy auditing.
  • 243 professionals were trained on low energy building design in the tropics.
  • 21 professionals were trained from financial institutionsin providing finance for EE buildings
  • Trainers was trained from Civil Service Training Institute and MECCT to conduct continuous capacity building programs.
  • Facility managers from 12 Government agencies was trained.
  • Procurement officers from 14 Government agencies was trained.
  • 121 stakeholders from Maldives Customs Service, Importers, Retails, Salesperson and Government officials were trained on the implementation of labelling program.

Outcome 4:

  • Database on energy use monitoring system developed.
  • Energy Efficiency awareness sessions was conducted for 420 students and 38 teachers to 9 schools in nine atolls. 59% of the students were female and 42% were male students.
  • Energy Efficiency Badge was developed in partnership with Maldives Girl Guides Association (MGGA) and Scouts Association of Maldives (SAM) and launched on 29th March 2019. Both associations have incorporated the badge into their syllabus. MGGA has reported that 266 Little Maids have achieved the Energy Efficiency (EE) Badge

Success Stories of project

Hakathari Program – Energy efficiency standards and labeling program of the Maldives






Hakathari – developed by the combination of words “hakatha” meaning energy and “thari” meaning stars, the programme is a standards and labelling programme for electrical appliances in the Maldives. The programme was launched on 16th September 2021. It provides consumers with a simple and clear indication of the energy-saving potential of electrical appliances, at the point of purchase.

Read the full story | Details about the program

Financing Scheme






Financing program has been developed to increase the demand for Hakathari appliances and increase the uptake of labels into the appliance market. The financing scheme is designed to compensate the incremental cost of labelled appliances for the purchaser, in a guarantee mechanism to reduce risk of non-payment in providing financing at a lower cost than the commercial financing rate. The financing program will allow for the purchase of 3, 4 and 5 star rated appliances from the list of items labelled under the Hakathari Program. These appliances can be purchased at a rate of 10% per annum. The financing scheme is being implemented by Maldives Islamic Bank (MIB)

Read the full story | To Apply for the scheme

Certified Energy Auditor Training






Energy audit is an important tool for defining energy efficiency measures, which can be carried out at different levels. Certified Energy Auditor (CEA) training was conducted with support from the Association of Energy Engineer’s (AEE) for national capacity building in the field of energy auditing in the Maldives. AEE certification programs that are internationally accredited, such as the CEM and CEA, comply with global standards and industrial markets’ defacto requirements in over 100 countries and have been utilized by agencies and organizations to develop energy efficiency programs worldwide.

Read the full story

Energy Efficiency Workshops for Students

To increase awareness of energy end-users, the public, students and the youths a tailor-made workshop was conducted for secondary school students, aimed at improving student’s knowledge on energy efficiency, also enabling them to raise awareness among their parents and families.

Read the full story

Energy Efficiency Badge

Awareness creates change by providing information about topics which are new. The energy efficiency badge was developed for all age groups of Maldives Girl Guides Association and the Scouts of Maldives. This badge widens the opportunity for engaging in energy efficiency good practices and knowledge in the areas of climate change, the benefits of energy efficiency in combating climate change throughout the Maldivian communities.

Read the full story

Building Energy Efficiency Guideline

The energy efficiency guideline for buildings has been developed to provide guidance on designing and developing energy efficient buildings in the Maldives. The guideline was developed suitable for the Maldivian context by surveying the existing conditions, building practices material availability and inputs from architects, engineers and other professional practicing in the building construction field.

Demonstration of BREEAM certification

Housing Development Cooperation (HDC) has obtained the interim BREEAM certification for the design of the Green Office Building to be constructed in Hulhumale’, Republic of Maldives. The Green Office Building is the first building in the Maldives to achieve this certification. The BREEAM certification is one of the world’s leading science-based suite of validation and certification systems for a sustainable built environment. Support for the enhancement of the building design to achieve this certification was provided under the LCEI project.

Demonstration of Maldives Meteorological Service Office building

The LCEI project is supporting the development of the Maldives Meteorological Services building in Addu City. The building is designed based on the provisions of the Energy Efficiency Building Guidelines developed under the LCEI project. It will demonstrate energy efficient design in buildings and include a visitor’s centre to disseminate information on the development of energy efficient buildings.

Life Cycle costing Assessment

The tools and guidelines for the implementation of lifecycle costing assessment in public procurement has been developed. This process will allow for the holistic assessment of upfront, operational and end-of-life costs of electrical appliances in procurement processes. The implementation of this process will commence once Hakathari labelled appliances become widely available in the market.


Awareness materials



Standards and labeling


Maldives Building Energy Efficiency Guideline


Demonstration of energy-efficient buildings

Development of financing programs


Guides & Manuals:



Project Timeline

17 May 2023

LCEI Project Terminal Evaluation

The Terminal Evaluation mission for the project took place from May 14th to 18th, 2023. The terminal evaluator, Mr. Sanjay Dube, had meetings with various project stakeholders during the mission.
Meetings were held with the Ministry of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (MNPHI), the Energy Efficiency Section of the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology (MECCT), the Ozone Unit of MECCT, and the Climate Change Directorate. Further discussions were also held with the Housing Development Corporation, Maldives National University, Maldives Islamic Bank, Maldives Customs Service, State Trading Organization, Ranfaun Private Limited, and the Maldives Girl Guide Association.
Valuable insights were also gathered from meetings with several consultancy companies that undertook key assignments for the project, including Utilico Private Limited, EPOC Private Limited, and PwC Maldives Private Limited.

18 Feb 2025

Permission issued to Ranfaun Private Limited to affix Hakathari Label

Hakathari labels issued for 4 models of air conditioners imported by Ranfaun Private Limited under the Energy Efficiency Labeling Program. This is the first SME company to receive the permit to label electrical appliances.

28 Aug 2022

Maldives Islamic Bank commences special financing scheme for Hakathari Labelled appliances

Under the Ujaalaa Dhiriulhun Financing Scheme Maldives Islamic Bank has started offering 10% discount for Hakathari Labelled appliances. This is the lowest rating given by such a scheme.
The financing scheme is designed as a list based financing scheme which will allow for the purchase of 3, 4 and 5 star rated appliances from the list of items labeled under the Hakathari Program (Energy efficiency standards and labeling program of the Maldives).

24 Aug 2022

Stakeholder consultation workshop on the Draft Regulation for Energy Efficient Certification of New Buildings

A stakeholder consultation workshop has been conducted to get inputs on the Draft Regulation for Energy Efficient Certification of New Buildings on 25th August 2022. The regulation, which will be implemented by Utility Regulatory Authority (URA), is being introduced in accordance with chapter 6 clause 57, 59 and 60 of the Energy Act of Maldives.
The objective of the stakeholder consultation was to introduce the regulation for Energy Efficient Certification for new buildings, developed by MECCT to the participants and familiarize them with the requirements to apply for energy efficient certificate, stages of certification and processes involved at each stage, rating criteria and the implementation structure.

23 Aug 2022

Stakeholder consultation workshop on the Draft Energy Auditing Regulation

A stakeholder consultation workshop was conducted to get inputs on the Draft Energy Auditing Regulation on 24th August 2022. The regulation, which will be implemented by Utility Regulatory Authority (URA), is being introduced in accordance with chapter 6 clause 57, 59 and 60 of the Energy Act of Maldives. 28 officials from various public and private agencies participated in the workshop.
The objective of the stakeholder consultation was to introduce the energy auditing regulation to the participants and accustom them with requirements, enforcement, schedules, and implementation of energy audits. The workshop also covered the roles, responsibilities, and registration process for energy auditors in Maldives. The views and inputs received from the stakeholders on the provisions included would be taken into account to ensure the practicality, adaptability, and sustainability of the documents.

17 Jul 2022

Study tour on energy efficiency labelling programme

In order to build the national capacity and to support the enforcement of the recently launched Hakathari program, the LCEI project organized a 3-day study tour for Officials of Ministry and Utility regulatory authority in association with the International Institute of Energy Conservation in Bangkok, Thailand. The study tour was conducted from 18-20 July 2022.
The study tour included sharing of knowledge and experience of the agencies of Thailand in the implementation of their S&L program, along with training regarding testing of electrical appliances for the attainment of energy efficiency labels. Visits was conducted to Electrical and Electronics Institute, Electricity Generating Authority of and the Department of alternative Energy development and Efficiency.

20 Jun 2022

Stakeholder consultation workshop and training on Energy Efficiency related Draft Code Compliance documents for the Building Code

A stakeholder consultation workshop and training has been conducted to seek views and inputs to draft code compliance documents on Energy Efficiency (H1), Ventilation (G4), Artificial light (G8) and Natural light (G7).

The appropriate sections of the code compliance document have been aligned and updated to include the provisions of the Maldives Energy Efficiency Guideline for Buildings. This is aimed at facilitating a large-scale uptake of the energy efficient design practices for buildings, as outlined in the Guideline, which will help in reducing energy consumption in the building sector in Maldives in the coming years and subsequently help Maldives in meeting the NDC commitments.

The workshop was organized by Ministry of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (MNPHI) with support from the LCEI project.

24 May 2022

Agreement signed with Maldives Islamic Bank to facilitate affordable access to Hakathari Appliances

Agreement signed with Maldives Islamic Bank (MIB) to provide financing for energy efficient appliances. Under the agreement, MIB will implement a financing scheme to encourage the use of Hakathari appliances. The financing scheme is designed as a list based financing scheme which will allow for the purchase of 3, 4 and 5 star rated appliances from the list of items labeled under the Hakathari Program. The LCEI project has allocated MVR 12,288,000 for the implementation of the financing scheme. MIB will use the money as a guarantee to run the scheme. The bank will provide financing from its own funds to those interested in purchasing Hakathari appliances. Under the scheme, the bank will finance upto MVR 15,360,000 for the purchase of Hakathari labelled appliances.

18 May 2022

State Trading Organization initiated sales of Hakathari Labelled Appliances

State Trading Organization (STO) has initiated sales of Hakathari labelled appliances. This is the first company to start selling Hakathari labelled appliances in the Maldives. Honourable Aminath Shauna, the Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Technology inaugurated the ceremony held at STO People’s Choice to commemorate this milestone. Speaking in the event, the Minister stated that the “Hakathari” labelling program will enable us to reduce expenditures on energy. Additionally, this program will aid in achieving the climate targets of the Maldives.

11 May 2022

Permission issued to State Trading Organization to affix Hakathari Label

Air Conditioners of 6 different models imported by State Trading Organization (STO) was approved that meet the requirements of the Hakathari program and permission was issued to the company to affix the Hakathari label. This is the first company to receive the permit to label electrical appliances under this program.

19 Apr 2022

Hakathari Program Amendment

The Ministry has made its first amendment to the Hakathari Program Document after receiving feedback from importers. This is to ensure that its more inclusive for all importers of electrical appliances. Previously, importers were required to affix the label onto registered models prior to importation. However, with the new amendment, importers can now affix the label after the models have been imported into the country. Our goal is to ensure that this change encourages more importers to register under the Hakathari Program.

24 Dec 2021

BREEAM “Very Good” rating achieved for HDC Green Office Building

Housing Development Cooperation (HDC) has received BREEAM interim certification for the proposed Green building to be constructed in Hulhumale’, Republic of Maldives. The Green Office building will be the first building in Maldives to achieve one of the world-leading sustainability ratings. LCEI project supported the review and amendment of Green Office Building to attain the BREEAM certification.

14 Dec 2021

Training on Energy Simulation using eQuest in Buildings

Training on Energy Simulation using eQuest in Buildings was conducted from 15th to 16th December 2021 at Villa College. The objective of the training was to enhance the capacity of end users of the Guideline to skillfully perform building simulations (on e-Quest software) along with application of technical provisions of the guideline to the simulation model to reduce energy demand from the building at the design stage itself. The training covers the following aspects:
- Overview of Building Energy Efficiency Guideline
- Introduction to Whole Building Performance Method (Building Energy Simulation)
- Hands on Training on E Quest Simulation software for building energy simulation

13 Dec 2021

Training on Energy Management for Government Officials

Training on Energy Management for Government Officials was conducted on 14th December 2021 at Villa College. The objective of the training was to enhance the capacity of the government officers on the strategies that can be adopted for reducing energy consumption in buildings. The training covers the following aspects:
- Understanding the climate change impacts and its importance to Maldives
- Basics of energy management and its benefits
- Understanding energy consumption in buildings
- Energy management opportunities in buildings
- How to use an Energy Performance Indicator (EPI) Tool to monitor energy consumption in buildings

11 Dec 2021

Training on Life Cycle Costing based Procurement for Training of Trainers

Training the trainers (ToT) for Life Cycle Costing based Procurement was conducted from 12th – 13th December 2021 at Villa College. The objective of the training was to enhance the capacity of trainers to support the implementation of life-cycle costing-based procurement procedures. The training covers the following aspects:
- Understanding the basics and importance of lifecycle costing-based procurement
- Familiarizing with the Maldives’ lifecycle-based costing public procurement
- Understanding on when and how to undertake life cycle costing assessment during public procurement
- Hands-on training on how to use the LCC Evaluation Tools and Guidebooks for the appliances

08 Dec 2021

Training on Life Cycle Costing based Procurement for Public Procurement Officers

Training on Life Cycle Costing based Procurement for Public Procurement Officers was conducted on 9th December 2021 at Villa College. The objective of the training was to enhance the capacity of public procurement officers to implement life-cycle costing-based procurement procedures. The training covers the following aspects:
- Understanding the basics and importance of lifecycle costing-based procurement
- Familiarizing with the Maldives’ lifecycle-based costing public procurement
- Understanding on when and how to undertake life cycle costing assessment during public procurement
- Hands-on training on how to use the LCC Evaluation Tools and Guidebooks for the appliances

07 Dec 2021

Training on Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Program For Relevant line Ministries and Agencies

Training on Energy Efficiency Standards and Labeling Program For Relevant line Ministries and Agencies was conducted on 8th December 2021 at Villa College. The training programme serves as capacity building exercise for officers of regulatory bodies on the scope & applicability, implementation framework covering their roles and responsibilities, M&V of the energy efficiency labeling program.
The training covers the following aspects:
- Understanding the basics and importance of Standards & Labeling (S&L).
- Familiarizing with the Maldives’ Standards and Labeling Program.
- Understanding the Implementation Framework of the S&L Program.
- Understanding the Monitoring, Verification & Enforcement of the S&L Program.
- Understanding the roles and responsibilities and support required for successful implementation of the S&L Program.

06 Dec 2021

Training on Energy Efficiency Labelling Program for Salespersons

Training on Energy Efficiency Labelling Program for Salespersons was conducted on 7th December 2021 at Villa College. The training programme serves as capacity building exercise for officers of regulatory bodies on the scope & applicability, implementation framework covering their roles and responsibilities, M&V of the energy efficiency labelling program.
The training covers the following aspects:
- Understanding the basics and importance of Standards & Labeling (S&L).
- Familiarizing with the Maldives’ Standards and Labeling Program.
- Understanding the Implementation Framework of the S&L Program.
- Understanding the Monitoring, Verification & Enforcement of the S&L Program.
- Understanding the roles and responsibilities and support required for successful implementation of the S&L Program.

05 Dec 2021

Training on Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Program For Importers and Retailers

Training on Energy Efficiency Standards and Labeling Program For Importers and Retailers was conducted on 6th December 2021 at Villa College. The training programme serves as capacity building exercise for officers of regulatory bodies on the scope & applicability, implementation framework covering their roles and responsibilities, M&V of the energy efficiency labeling program.
The training covers the following aspects:
- Understanding the basics and importance of Standards & Labeling (S&L).
- Familiarizing with the Maldives’ Standards and Labeling Program.
- Understanding the Implementation Framework of the S&L Program.
- Understanding the Monitoring, Verification & Enforcement of the S&L Program.
- Understanding the roles and responsibilities and support required for successful implementation of the S&L Program.

05 Dec 2021

Training on Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Program For Maldives Customs Service

Training on Energy Efficiency Standards and Labeling Program For Maldives Customs Service was conducted from 6th – 7th December 2021 at Villa College. The training programme serves as capacity building exercise for officers of regulatory bodies on the scope & applicability, implementation framework covering their roles and responsibilities, M&V of the energy efficiency labeling program.

04 Dec 2021

Training on Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Program for Training of Trainers (ToT)

Training on Energy Efficiency Standards and Labeling Program For Training of Trainers was conducted on 5th December 2021 at Villa College. The training programme serves as capacity building exercise for officers of regulatory bodies on the scope & applicability, implementation framework covering their roles and responsibilities, M&V of the energy efficiency labeling program.
The training covers the following aspects:
- Understanding the basics and importance of Standards & Labeling (S&L).
- Familiarizing with the Maldives’ Standards and Labeling Program.
- Understanding the Implementation Framework of the S&L Program.
- Understanding the Monitoring, Verification & Enforcement of the S&L Program.
- Understanding the roles and responsibilities and support required for successful implementation of the S&L Program.

16 Nov 2021

Training for Finance Professionals on Financing for Energy Efficiency in Buildings and Appliances

Training for financial professionals on financing energy efficient buildings and appliances was conducted virtually from 17th - 18th November 2021. The training was conducted online from 17-18th Nov. Twenty one participants undertook the training from different financial institutes in Maldives.

15 Sep 2021

Awareness on Hakathari Program – Energy efficiency standards and labeling program of the Maldives

Mr. Mohamed Inaz, Project Manager of LCEI project and Ahmed Raoof, Assistant Statitical Officer, Energy Department participated in Raajje Miadhu program, PSM to share information regarding the Hakathari program.

15 Sep 2021

Energy Efficiency Standards and Labeling Program of the Maldives Launched

Ministry launched an Energy Efficiency Labelling Program by the name of “Hakathari”. This program allows consumers to identify the energy efficiency levels of appliances. It also ensures that the electrical appliances that enter the Maldivian market meet the necessary efficiency standards prescribed by the program. In addition to this, it allows consumers to make informed purchases based on an appliance’s energy efficiency level.
The Hakathari Program was inaugurated by Honorable Aminath Shauna, the Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Technology. The minister stated in her speech that the “Hakathari” labelling program will enable us to save energy and reduce expenditures on energy. Additionally, this program will aid in achieving the climate targets of the Maldives.

Gazette link:
Program details:

05 Jun 2021

Webinar on the Demonstration of an Energy Efficient Building

A webinar was held to present a case study of applying the (draft) Energy Efficiency Guidelines for Buildings in the design of the Meteorological Services Office, S. Gan. This is the first project initiated to demonstrate the application of the (draft) Energy Efficiency Guidelines for Buildings. The webinar was open to all architects and engineers who participated in the Training for Energy Efficiency Guidelines for Buildings conducted under the LCEI project. Hosted by the LCEI project, this webinar was among the multiple events carried out by the Ministry in celebration of the World Environment Day 2021.

Recording of the webinar:

22 Mar 2021

Training on the Energy Efficiency Guideline for Buildings in Maldives

A virtual training on Energy Efficiency Guideline for Buildings in the Maldives was held from 23rd to 25th March 2021.
The objective of the 3-day training was to
• Understand the importance of the Energy Efficiency Guideline (EE Guideline) for Buildings in Maldives
• Familiarize with the EE Guideline such as scope & applicability, compliance approach and how to use the guideline document.
• Understand the various technical aspects and provisions covered EE Guideline to design and operate energy efficient buildings
• Skillfully perform Whole Building Energy Performance analysis using energy modelling software eQuest to analyze the energy performance of the buildings

The Energy Efficiency Guideline for Buildings in Maldives is being developed as part of the activities being undertaken towards the transformation of markets for energy efficient technologies in buildings and the built environment in the Maldives.

18 Nov 2020

6th LCEI Project Steering Committee Meeting

The project held its 6th Steering Committee. Representatives from UN Environment, Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure, Housing Development Cooperation and relevant departments of the Ministry were present at the meeting. The meeting was conducted virtually.

08 Nov 2020

Development of Energy Efficiency Building Guideline

Fourth stakeholder consultation workshop on "Development of Energy Efficiency Building Guidelines" was conducted virtually from 9th to 10th November 2020.
The purpose of the workshop is to discuss the draft Building Energy Efficiency Guideline and Framework to Monitor the extent of usage of Energy Efficiency Guideline for Buildings.

18 Aug 2020

Energy Efficiency Building Finance Inception Workshop

Inception meeting for development of Innovative Financial Program for Energy Efficient Buildings and Energy Efficient Building Retrofits was held on 19th August 2020. 24 stakeholders including ministries, government agencies, public companies and Non-government organizations participated in the meeting. The meeting was held virtually due to the constraints amid the pandemic, Covid19.

29 Jun 2020

Development of Energy Efficiency Building Guideline

Third stakeholder consultation workshop on "Development of Energy Efficiency Building Guidelines" was held on 30th June 2020. The workshop was conducted virtually. The purpose of the workshop was to share findings of the buildings assessed, and the draft framework proposed by the consultants on the energy efficiency building guideline with stakeholders.

08 Mar 2020

Development of Financial Programme for Energy Efficiency Appliances

The Inception meeting for the Development of Financial Programme for Energy Efficiency Appliances was held on 9th March 2020. The stakeholders participated in the meeting includes; banks, leasing companies, financial institutions and relevant ministries.

07 Mar 2020

BREEAM International New Construction Training Course

BREEAM International New Construction Training Course was organized and conducted by Housing Development Corporation Limited with support from the Ministry, under strengthening low carbon energy island strategies (LCEI) project.
On successful completion of the course and examinations, participants will emerge as fully qualified BREEAM International assessors.
BREEAM is the world’s leading sustainability assessment method for master planning projects, infrastructure and buildings. It recognizes and reflects the value in higher performing assets across the built environment life cycle, from new construction to in-use and refurbishment.

15 Feb 2020

Certified Energy Auditor Training

Total 25 participants completed the first Certified Energy Auditor training program conducted in the Maldives . The training was conducted from 16th to 27th February 2020.
In the closing ceremony, Minister of Environment Dr. Hussain Rasheed Hassan and Executive Director of Association of Energy Engineers Mr. Bill Kent awarded certificates to the participants who completed the training.
This training was organized by the Ministry, under LCEI project and conducted by the Association of Energy Engineers

21 Jan 2020

Development of Life-cycle Costing in Public Procurement

Introductory Workshop for Life-cycle Costing in Public Procurement was inaugurated by the Minister Dr. Hussain Rasheed Hassan. This activity is in line to action 5.1e; “Review and revise the Public Finance Act to incorporate use of life cycle costing to promote procurement of energy efficient appliances in public buildings” of government Strategic Action Plan 2019- 2023.
The consultant, PwC will carry out the development of Life-cycle Costing in Public Procurement and conduct training for procurement officers.

19 Jan 2020

Second Stakeholder Consultation on Development of Energy Efficiency Building Guidelines

Second stakeholder consultation workshop on "Development of Energy Efficiency Building Guidelines" was conducted on 20th January 2020.
The workshop was inaugurated by the Minister Dr. Hussain Rasheed Hassan.
In this workshop consultants from PWC Maldives shared the findings of the local conditions and building systems assessment.
As the next step, consultants will conduct energy assessments in selected buildings and propose draft energy efficiency guidelines for buildings.

22 Dec 2019

Development of Energy Efficiency Labelling Programme in the Maldives

Mr. Mohamed Inaz, Project Manager and Mr. Moosa Rilwan, Communication & Knowledge Management Administrator, LCEI Project participated in “Vesheege Adu” program, Dhivehi Raahjeyge Adu to give information about Energy Efficiency and the activities carried under LCEI Project.

10 Dec 2019

Supporting Decision-Making on SCP though Training on Sustainable Procurement, Bangkok

Mr. Mohamed Inaz, Project Manager, LCEI Project participated in the SWITCH-Asia Regional Policy Advocacy Component (RPAC), funded by the European Union and implemented by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
The regional Capacity Building on Sustainable/Green Public Procurement, organized by SWITCH-Asia RPAC in partnership with the Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute (KEITI), was aimed at contributing to further achievements on SPP/GPP in Asia and enabling the adoption of those practices by all countries in the region, without “leaving no one behind.”
In this meeting, Mr. Inaz shared information about the activities being carried out by the project towards implementing a sustainable green public procurement system in the Maldives.

26 Nov 2019

Development and Implementation of Energy Efficiency Badge

All 266 Little maids participated in Surf Smart, 8th National Sixer’s Camp 2019, organized by Maldives Girl Guides Association (MGGA) have achieved Energy Efficiency Awareness badge. EE Badge was developed by the Ministry, in collaboration with MGGA and The Scout Association of Maldives (SAM) under the LCEI project.

22 Oct 2019

Development of Energy Efficiency Labelling Programme in the Maldives

On 23rd October 2019, S & L finalization meeting was held. Officials from MCS, MED, ME and MEA attended the meeting.
The program summary was shared with the Participants.

25 Apr 2019

SAARC Training on “Techniques on Energy Conservation and Efficiency in Buildings”

Project Manager, LCEI Project, Mr. Mohamed Inaz and Assistant Engineer, Energy Department, Ministry of Environment, Mr. Abdul Rasheed participated in a 3 day workshop on "Techniques on Energy Conservation and Efficiency in Buildings" at Heritance Kandalama , Sri Lanka.
The workshop was organized by SAARC Energy Centre - SEC in collaboration with Sri Lanka Energy Managers Association (SLEMA) from 26th to 28th August 2019.
The objective of the workshop was to build and strengthen the capacities of SAARC professionals on the technical, economic and policy aspects of implementing energy conservation and efficiency in buildings

28 Apr 2019

Development and Implementation of Energy Efficiency Badge

Minister of Environment Dr. Hussain Rasheed Hassan launched the Energy Efficiency Badge.
The badge was developed by the Ministry under the LCEI Project with support from Maldives Girl Guides Association and The Scout Association of Maldives. The badge focuses on climate change and energy efficiency advocacy. Members of both association can earn the badge after completing task stated in the Badge Curriculum.

16 Apr 2019

Development of Energy Efficiency Guidelines for Buildings

The project conducted the inception workshop on energy efficiency building guideline. Officials from relevant Ministries, Public companies and NGO’s participated at the workshop.
The energy efficiency guideline is being developed in collaboration with Ministry of National Planning and Infrastructure.

05 Mar 2019

LCEI Project Steering Committee Meeting

The project held it's 5th steering committee meeting. Representatives from UN Environment, Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of National Planning and Infrastructure, MNU, HDC and relevant departments of the Ministry were present at the meeting.
The purpose of the meeting was to endorse the revised project work plan and the proposed work plan and the budget for the year 2019.

04 Mar 2019

Development of Energy Efficiency Labelling Programme in the Maldives

Second Stakeholder Consultation Workshop for the development of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programme was conducted at the Ministry. Officials from Ministry of Economic Development, Maldives Energy Authority, Maldives Customs Service, Maldives Ports limited and Climate Change Department, Energy Department, Environment Department of the Ministry are participating in the workshop.

25 Feb 2019

Development of Energy Efficiency Labelling Programme in the Maldives

Assistant Statistical Officer, Energy Department, Mr. Ahmed Raoof Mohamed with Communications and Knowledge Management Administrator of LCEI Project of the Ministry, Mr. Moosa Rilwan shared information on Samakaara Label Design Survey in “EriIraaeku" programme, VTV.

17 Feb 2019

Improving energy management within Government offices

A meeting to present the findings of the energy audit conducted and the recommendation for energy efficiency improvements of the 14 storey Velaanaage Office Building was held at the Ministry. Officials from Ministry of National Planning and Infrastructure and Ministry of Environment participated in the meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to collect feedback from stakeholders to the proposed energy efficiency improvements.

13 Feb 2019

Development of Energy Efficiency Labelling Programme in the Maldives

A second survey on energy efficiency (EE) label design was published on Ministry website. The purpose of the survey was to acquire public opinion on the two label designs developed based on the data collected during the first survey, which was carried out during the last quarter of 2018.

15 Feb 2019

Development of Energy Efficiency Labelling Programme in the Maldives

Standards and Labelling Officer of Maldives Energy Authority, Ms. Shara Mauroof Ahmed with Communications and Knowledge Management Administrator of LCEI Project of the Ministry, Mr. Moosa Rilwan shared information on Samakaara Label Design Survey in "Rakkaavethibiyyaa Dhathureh" programme, Dhivehiraajjeyge Adu

27 Jan 2019

Development of Energy Efficiency Guidelines for Buildings

Contract signed for the development of Energy Efficiency Guideline for Buildings. The contract was awarded to Pricewaterhouse Coopers Private Limited.
Minister Dr. Hussain Rasheed Hassan signed the contract on behalf of the Ministry and Director, Mr. Prasanta Kumar Misra, Signed the contract on behalf of Pricewaterhouse Coopers Private Limited.
Under the contract, the consultant will develop a locally appropriate energy efficiency guideline for residential buildings, commercial buildings, government building and for hotels and guest houses.

11 Dec 2018

Development of Energy Efficiency Labelling Programme in the Maldives

Surveyors were commissioned at potential locations to collect data for the development of Energy Efficiency Label design survey. The survey was carried out by 4 surveyors for 10 days.

27 Aug 2018

LCEI Project Steering Committee Meeting

Project held a special steering committee meeting on 28th August, to share the findings of the project mid-term review and to endorse the revised results framework. 

The meeting was chaired by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry, Mr. Ajwad Musthafa. 

25 Aug 2018

Meetings with UNEP Mission

Discussions were held between the Project Management Unit (PMU) and the Mission from UN Environment. The mission was led by Dr. Shudhir Sharma, Task Manager, UN Environment and was accompanied by Ms. Leena Darlington, Fund Management officer, UN Environment.

The objective of the meetings was to plan and finalize the reworking budget and the work plan as per the consolidated outputs and activities and to plan for the special steering committee (SC) meeting.

31 Jul 2018

Development of Energy Efficiency Labelling Programme in the Maldives

Maldives Energy Authority (MEA), with the support of LCEI project conducted a workshop on developing the framework of an Energy Efficiency Standards & Labelling Programme. The workshop held at Champa Central Hotel was inaugurated by the Minister of State for Environment and Energy Abdullahi Majeed.

The energy efficiency standards and labelling programme is being developed for selected appliances and a total of 22 participants from importers of refrigerators, automatic washing machines and air conditioners, and other relevant stakeholders participated at the workshop.

20 Jul 2018

Development and Implementation of Energy Efficiency Badge

Training workshop on Energy Efficiency Badge Leaders Guide was conducted for the leaders of Maldives Girls Guide Association (MGGA) and The Scout Association of Maldives (SAM). The workshop was carried out by the consultant who developed and compiled the Energy Efficiency Badge Leaders Guide. Thirty-five (35) members from both MGGA and SAM took part in the workshop.

10 Jul 2018

Energy Efficiency Awareness Workshops for Students

9th Energy Efficiency Awareness workshop was held at Nilandhoo School, GA.Nilandhoo on 11th July 2018. A total of 34 students from grade 8, 9, 10 and 11 participated in the workshop.

09 May 2018

Development of Energy Efficiency Labelling Programme in the Maldives

Maldives Energy Authority (MEA) launched an online survey for Energy Efficiency Label design. The purpose of the survey was to design the label based on consumer preferences.

14 Apr 2018

Project Mid-term Review

Mid-term review of LCEI project was conducted from 15th – 19th April 2018. The review was conducted by UN Environment commissioned Independent reviewer Professor Brahmanand Mohanty.
The purpose of the review is to understand the progress and issues related to the progress of the project.

04 Apr 2018

LCEI Project Steering Committee Meeting

The 3rd Steering Committee meeting of the project was held on 05th April 2018. On behalf of the Minster of Environment and Energy, the meeting was chaired by Minister of State for Environment and Energy, Hon. Abdullahi Majeed.

In this meeting, the work plan for the year 2018 was endorsed by the Steering Committee members.

18 Feb 2025

Energy Efficiency Awareness Workshops for Students

8th Energy Efficiency Awareness workshop was held at Th. Atoll Education Centre, Th. Thimarafushi on 28th February 2018. A total of 49 students from grade 8, 9, 10 and 11 participated in the workshop.

19 Feb 2018

Improving energy management within Government offices

Meeting to brief the focal points about the assessment and designing of cost effective energy efficiency improvements at Velaanaage Building was held on 20th February 2018, at the Ministry.

15 Feb 2018

Improving energy management within Government offices

A detailed audit of selected buildings were conducted by project assigned consultant Utilico Private Limited. The selected buildings for the assessment were Velaanaage Office Building, four floors of a residential building of approximately 350 square metres situated in Hulhumale’ under Housing Development Corporation (HDC), a mosque of 800 people capacity and Maldives Meteorological Service office in Seenu Gan.

Based on the findings of the energy audit, the consultant will design cost effective energy efficiency improvements for Velaanaage Office Building, Hulhumale’ residential building and the Mosque; and develop a monitoring methodology for tracking the energy and GHG reductions.

06 Feb 2018

Development of Energy Efficiency Labelling Programme in the Maldives

A half-day inception workshop was held on 7th February 2018, at the Ministry, for the development and implementation of energy efficiency standards and labelling program in the Maldives. The workshop was organized by Maldives Energy Authority (MEA) conducted by Pricewaterhouse coopers (PwC). Officials from Ministry of Environment and Energy (MEE), Ministry of Economic Development (MED), Maldives Customs Service (MCS) and State Trading Organization (STO) participated in the workshop.

08 Jan 2018

Development of Energy Efficiency Labelling Programme in the Maldives

The contract for the Development of Energy Efficiency Labelling Programme in the Maldives have been awarded to Pricewaterhosecoopers Private Limited. The contract was signed on 09th January 2018. Honorable Thoriq Ibrahim, Minister of Environment and Energy signed the contract on behalf of the Ministry and Mr. Amit Kumar, Partner, signed the contract on behalf of Pricewaterhosecoopers Private Limited.

The objective of the assignment is to initiate the implementation of an energy efficiency labelling (EE Labelling) programme for selected appliances in the Maldives. Under the consultancy, Pricewaterhosecoopers will develop detailed methodology to issue energy efficiency labels for selected appliances along with necessary forms, documentation, and to develop monitoring methodology for the Labelling programme.

20 Dec 2017

Improving energy management within Government offices

Contract signed with Utilico Private Limited to conduct “Assessment and Design of Cost Effective, Energy Efficiency Improvements” in the Maldives. Minister of State for Environment and Energy, Mr. Abdullahi Majeed signed the contract on behalf of the Ministry and Managing Director Mr. Ali Ahsan signed the contract on behalf of Utilico Private Limited . The objective of the assessment is to conduct detailed energy audits in selected buildings and design cost effective efficiency improvements. Recommendations on energy management practices and policies will be developed under the assessment, to improve energy management within government offices.

15 Nov 2017

Assessment of Energy Efficiency Consideration by Financiers

Maldives National University (MNU) Business School organized and conducted a stakeholder consultation workshop for the “Assessment of Energy Efficiency Financing in the Maldives”, on 16th November 2017 at MNU Business School, seminar room. Representatives from government and non-governmental stakeholders participated at the workshop. The workshop was inaugurated by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Mr. Ajwad Musthafa.

13 Nov 2017

Development of Green Building Concepts - Including Energy Efficiency modules in training programs of the Maldives National University

Stakeholder workshop to revise the existing undergraduate program and to develop the curriculum of Master's program in Architecture focusing on green building concepts and energy efficient building practices for Faculty of Engineering Technology, The Maldives National University, was conducted from 13th to 14th November 2017.
Representatives from relative private companies, firms, NGO's, architecture students and graduates participated in the workshops. Consultants from Utilico Pvt. Ltd & Anser Group Pvt. Ltd conducted the workshop.

09 Oct 2017

Development of Green Building Concepts - Including Energy Efficiency modules in training programs of the Maldives National University

The Maldives National University awarded a contract to Utilico Private Limited to revise existing Undergraduate Architecture programme and to develop a Master’s programme in Architecture for Faculty of Engineering Technology of MNU focusing on green building concepts and energy efficient building practices. The contract was signed at the Central Administrative Building of MNU. Mr. Ghaanim Mohamed, Dean of Faculty of Engineering Technology signed the contract on behalf of MNU and the Managing Director Mr. Ali Ahsan Mohamed signed the contract on behalf of the Utilico Private Limited.

27 Sep 2017

Development of Standards and Labelling Program in the Maldives

A four day training program was conducted in association with by Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) of India. The training program was held in New Delhi, India from 25th -28th September 2017. Officials from Maldives Energy Authority (MEA) and the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MEE) participated in the program.
The aim of the program was to build technical capacity to implement standards and labelling program in Maldives. The participants of the capacity building program was exposed to program design and administration, institutional mechanism, test procedures, consumer awareness programs, monitoring and verification etc. pertaining to S&L program with special reference to Lights & ACs.

21 Aug 2017

Awareness Workshop on Energy Efficiency held at AA. Thoddo School

An awareness workshop on energy efficiency was held in AA. Thoddoo School, AA. Thoddoo on 22nd August 2017. A total of 38 students from Grade 8, 9 and 10 participated in the workshop.

13 Aug 2017

Ozone2Climate Technology Expo

The project’s progress & achievements towards creating enabling environment for energy efficiency in the Maldives was presented to the participants of the Ozone2Climate technology expo 2017. Mr. Mohamed Inaz, Project Manager of low carbon energy island strategies (LCEI), participated in the discussion during the 2nd round table session of the Expo on 14th August 2017.

11 Jul 2017

Awareness Workshop on Energy Efficiency held at Lh. Atoll Education Centre

An awareness workshop on energy efficiency was held in Lh. Atoll Education Centre, Lh. Hinnavaru on 11th and 12th July 2017. A total of 71 students from Grade 8, 9 and 10 participated in the workshop.

04 Jul 2017

Assessment of Energy Efficiency Consideration by Financiers

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed on 5th July 2017 between the Ministry of Environment and Energy and the The Maldives National University for the “Assessment of energy efficiency consideration by financiers”. Minister of Environment and Energy Mr. Thoriq Ibrahim signed the MOU on behalf of the Ministry and the Chancellor Dr. Mohamed Latheef signed the MOU on behalf of the University. The objective of the MOU is to assess the considerations given for energy efficiency when providing finance by financial institutions of the Maldives and identify gaps to be addressed in financing energy efficiency initiatives.

21 May 2017

Research on Consumer Behavior and Preferences Regarding Energy Efficiency in Households

Stakeholder Dissemination session of "Research on Consumer Behavior and Preference Regarding Energy Efficiency in Households" conducted on 22nd May2017. The dissemination session was inaugurated by Minister of State for Environment and Energy Mr.Abdul Matheen Mohamed. The findings of the research was presented by consultant Riyan Private Limited. The research was conducted by collecting information from 1894 households from 6 different locations of the Maldives. This includes, Hdh. Kulhudhuffushi, Adh. Dhidhoo, GA. Nilandhoo, K. Maafushi, Greater Male’ Area and Addu Atoll main stretch (Feydhoo, Maradhoo, Maradhoo-feydhoo and Hithadhoo)

29 Apr 2017

Awareness Workshop on Energy Efficiency held at Raa Atoll School

An awareness workshop on energy efficiency was held in Raa Atoll School, R. Dhuvaafaru on 29th and 30th April 2016. A total of 62 students from Grade 8, 9 and 10 participated in the workshop.

26 Apr 2017

Awareness Workshop on Energy Efficiency held at Noonu Atoll Ken’dhikulhodhoo Schoo

An awareness workshop on energy efficiency was held in Noonu Atoll Ken’dhikulhodhoo School on 26th and 27th April 2017. A total of 53 students from Grade 8, 9 and 10 participated in the workshop.

26 Apr 2017

Awareness session on Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation for Noonu Atoll Ken’dhikulhodhoo School Academic and Administrative staff

Officials from Ministry of Environment and Energy and Maldives Energy Authority conducted an Awareness session on Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation for Academic and Administrative staff of Ken'dhikulhudhoo School, N.Ken'dhikulhidhoo on Professional Development Day. 38 staff participated in the session.

18 Apr 2017

LCEI Project Steering Committee Meeting

The second steering committee of LCEI project was chaired by the Minister of State for Environment and Energy, Mr.Abdullahi Majeed. Officials from the Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure, Maldives and relevant departments of the Ministry of Environment and Energy participated in the meeting. In the meeting, overview of the LCEI project was presented by Mr. Ahmed Waheed, Director of Ministry of Environment and Energy. Mr. Mohamed Inaz, Project Manager of the project briefed the committee members about the activities undertaken under the project during the last year and presented the work plan for the year 2017. The work plan for the year 2017 was endorsed by the Steering Committee members.

10 Apr 2017

Development of Standards and Labeling Program in the Maldives

Workshop conducted with Ministry technical staff to reveiw the draft report on Technical Analysis of Markets to Develop Energy Efficiency Labels and Standards in the Maldives. The report was presented by Consultants from CDE Private Limited. The main objective of the technical analysis is to assess the characteristics of appliances imported to the Maldives and to capture baseline appliance market data in the Maldives. The results of the analysis will be used to inform and support government decision-making on the most suitable Energy Efficiency Labels and Standards in the future.

28 Feb 2017

Development and Implementation of Energy Efficiency Badge

Stakeholder workshop to review Energy Efficiency Badge tool kit conducted. Officials from Maldives Girl Guides Association, The Scout Association of Maldives and Faculty of Science participated in the workshop. The tool kit is being developed by Dr. Simad Saeed and Mr. Riyaz Jauhary.

26 Feb 2017

Development and Implementation of Energy Efficiency Badge

Minister of Environment and Energy Mr. Thoriq Ibrahim awarded the prizes to the winners of “Energy efficiency Art Competition 2016”. A total of 8 students received awards at the ceremony. The art competition was organized to derive the designs of Energy Efficiency badge which is being developed for Girl Guides and Scouts in the Maldives.

02 Feb 2017

Awareness Workshop on Energy Efficiency held at Faafu Atoll Magoodhoo School

An awareness workshop on energy efficiency was held in Faafu atoll Magoodhoo School on 3rd February 2017. A total of 25 students from Grade 8, 9 and 10 of Magoodhoo School participated in the workshop.

27 Dec 2016

Workshop on energy efficiency for Government facility managers

The workshop was organized by LCEI project with assistance from Energy Department of Ministry of Environment and Energy. In the workshop 18 participants from different government agencies participated. Speaking at the workshop opening ceremony Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Environment and Energy, Mr. Ajwad Musthafa highlighted the importance of saving energy in Public buildings as the Government is one of the biggest consumers of electricity. The workshop was conducted by officials from Ministry of Environment and Energy and the LCEI Project Management Unit.

07 Dec 2016

Workshop on energy efficiency for building design professionals

Workshop on Energy Efficiency for Building Design Professionals conducted. The workshop was organized by Ministry of Environment and Energy in association with Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure. In the workshop 20 participants from building sector. The workshop was organized jointly by “Strengthening Low Carbon Energy Island Strategies” project and “HCFC phase-out management” project of the Ministry of Environment and Energy.

09 Nov 2016

Workshop on energy efficiency for building design professionals

Workshop on Energy Efficiency for Building Design Professionals conducted. The workshop was organized by Ministry of Environment and Energy in association with Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure. In the workshop 20 participants from building sector. The workshop was organized jointly by “Strengthening Low Carbon Energy Island Strategies” project and “HCFC phase-out management” project of the Ministry of Environment and Energy.

08 Nov 2016

Development of Green Building Concepts particularly Energy Efficiency modules in training programs of the Maldives National University.

Needs assessment stakeholder Consultation workshop to develop and incorporate “Green Building Concept” into Bachelor & Master of Architecture Program conducted. The workshop was organized by Maldives National University (MNU) with assistance from Ministry of Environment and Energy. In the workshop 20 participants from different government agencies, education sector and private sector participated. The purpose of the workshop was to attain stakeholder input in undertaking a needs assessment to revise the curriculum of Bachelor of Architecture Programme and develop a curriculum for Master of Architecture programme conducted by Maldives National University.

30 Oct 2016

Research on Consumer Behavior and Preferences Regarding Energy Efficiency in Households

Contract signed with Riyan Private Limited to conduct Research on Consumer Behavior and Preferences Regarding Energy Efficiency in Households. Minister of State for Environment and Energy, Mr. Abdul Matheen Mohamed signed the contract on behalf of the Ministry and Managing Director Mr. Ibrahim Hameez signed the contract on behalf of Riyan Private Limited.

03 Oct 2016

Awareness Workshop on Energy Efficiency held at Kaafu Atoll Maafushi School

An awareness workshop on energy efficiency was held in Kaafu Atoll Maafushi School from 03rd -04th October 2016. A total of 44 students from Grade 8 and 9 of Maafushi School participated in the workshop.

26 Aug 2016

Awareness Workshop on Energy Efficiency held at Shaviyani Atoll Funadhoo School

An awareness workshop on energy efficiency was arranged in collaboration with Shaviyani Atoll Funadhoo School. The workshop was held in Shaviyani Atoll Funadhoo School from 26th -27th August 2016. A total of 49 students from Grade 8, 9 and 10 of Funadhoo School participated in the workshop.

03 Aug 2016

Development and Implementation of Energy Efficiency Badge

Contract signed to develop educational tool for Girl Guides and Scouts in the Maldives. The contract was awarded to Dr. Simad Saeed. Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Environment and Energy, Mr. Ajwad Musthafa signed the contract on behalf of the Ministry.

24 Jul 2016

Development of video spots on climate change and energy efficiency

Contract signed for the development of four video spots on climate change and energy efficiency. The contract was awarded to Mr. Abdulla Yamin. Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Environment and Energy, Mr. Ajwad Musthafa signed the contract on behalf of the Ministry.

21 Jul 2016

Energy Efficiency and Management: Policies, Preferences and Practices Training Course conducted

The training course held in Singapore was supported by Singapore Cooperation Programme (SCP) , Ministry of Foreign Affairs Singapore through the LCEI project. The training course was conducted by Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU) from 18 to 22nd July 2016. Officials from Ministry of Environment and Energy, Maldives, Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure, Maldives, The Maldives National University (MNU) and Maldives Polytechnic participated in the training course.

19 Jun 2016

Development of Green Building Concepts particularly Energy Efficiency modules in training programs of the Maldives National University

The Ministry of Environment and Energy, Maldives National University signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) of MVR 1.3 Million. The objective of the MoU is to integrate and deliver Green Building Concepts particularly Energy Efficiency modules in training programs of the Maldives National University. The MoU was signed in a ceremony held at the Ministry of Environment and Energy today. The signatories were the Minister of Environment and Energy Mr. Thoriq Ibrahim and the Vice-Chancellor of Maldives National University Dr. Ali Fawaz Shareef.

05 Jun 2016

Television Drama “Dhenagannamaa” Aired

A television drama named “Dhenagannamaa” was produced and telecasted on Public Service Media’s TV Channel Television Maldives (TVM). The drama convey the message of importance of using electric items in an energy efficient way. Through this drama key messages on how to use air conditioners, refrigerators and other electric appliances were conveyed.

02 Jun 2016

Energy efficiency stall at world environment day festival

An energy efficiency stall was organized at the World Environment Day Festival held in Rasfannu. The stall was organized by the Ministry with support from the LCEI project in association with State Electric Company Limited (STELCO) and Maldives Energy Authority (MEA). The activities and games in the stall was designed to increase the awareness of energy efficiency. In addition to these leaflets about climate change and energy efficiency were distributed.

02 Jun 2016

Energy Efficiency Art Competition 2016 Launched

Energy Efficiency Art Competition 2016 was launched at World Environment Day Festival held in Rasfannu to mark the World Environment Day 2016. The competition was launched by Minister of Environment and Energy Mr.Thoriq Ibrahim. The art competition was organized to derive the designs of Energy Efficiency badge which is being developed for Girl Guides and Scouts in the Maldives.

04 Apr 2016

LCEI Project Steering Committee Meeting

The first project steering committee meeting was chaired by Minister of Environment and Energy, Mr. Thoriq Ibrahim. In his opening statement Minister highlighted the importance of stakeholder involvement throughout the project to ensure a successful implementation of the project.

14 Mar 2016

Development and Implementation of Energy Efficiency Badge

The Ministry of Environment and Energy, Maldives Girl Guides Association, and the Scout Association of Maldives signed an Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on learning and creating awareness on climate change and energy efficiency issues. The MOU is to implement a badge focused on climate change and energy efficiency for all age groups of Girl Guides and Scouts. The outreach of the activity is estimated to be more than 10,000 members of Girl Guides and Scouts and it would have a ripple effect in passing the knowledge from the Girl Guides and Scouts to the community.

14 Sep 2015

LCEI project inception workshop

The inception workshop was inaugurated by Minister of State for Environment and Energy Mr. Abdul Matheen Mohamed. In his remarks, Mr. Abdul Matheen Mohamed highlighted the activities that would be carried out by the project to reduce greenhouse gas emission from building sector.

Project Team